Carbon NeutralFLYBLACK is committed not only to our clients, but to the planet as well. Pursuing our passion for sustainability, we have taken the initiative to be one of the first private jet companies aiming to become carbon neutral. Through our partnership with CarbonFootprint™, we aim to offset all emissions for all of our private flights by 2025.
FLYBLACK has partnered with CarbonFootprint ™ who precisely calculates and measures emissions. Using a science based algorithm, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint by the right level to maintain global temperature changes to less than 2 degrees C°. In order to tackle climate change, the most impactful solution is to reduce emissions. Carbon offsetting funds provide solutions to reduce carbon emissions now, when it matters most. Carbon offsetting will support global climate change as well as caring for our local communities providing much-needed employment, biodiversity reforestation and broad social benefits.
FLYBLACK will calculate carbon emissions based on the duration of your private charter flight. Based on the calculated carbon emissions we have options through CarbonFootprint™ on how to offset the emissions. Our carbon offset project supports REDD +, “Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation”.